Best Odds Roulette System


Mar 17, 2016 The roulette odds for colors are 1 to 1 (excluding zero). Can you win at roulette with a roulette system that uses only red and black bets? To my knowledge, there is only one way and it is only possible in very rare circumstances. Additionally, it requires predictive electronics. But that is beyond the scope of this article. This article focus. Devised by Ian Fleming and used by Britain’s greatest secret agent, this flat roulette betting system covers more than half of the table in bets, basically trying to turn the odds of the game in favour of the player. Of course, in the end, it doesn’t. Another popular strategy is betting on neighbouring numbers. Many worthless betting strategies and systems are based on belief in the Gambler's Fallacy. I got the idea for writing about this after reading an 888 online roulette article by Frank Scoblete entitled How to Take Advantage of Roulette Hot Spots. In that article, Scoblete recommends taking a count of each outcome for 3,700 spins in single-zero. If you care way more about the payout than you do about minimizing risk, your best option is to go with the straight roulette bet. This involves betting on a single number and hoping that Lady Luck is on your side. The risk is extremely high, but the payout – 35:1, $350 for a $10 bet – is pretty freakin’ sweet.

I love writing about roulette betting systems because it gives me a chance to show off both my English skills and my math skills. And since no roulette betting system works in the long run, I get to educate and perform a public service — warning people off some of the slick system-sellers who make money from your naivete.

You might be surprised to know, though, that I love to use roulette betting systems when I’m actually gambling.

Yeah, I know you can’t win in the long run with such a system.

But I get bored playing roulette without some kind of system.

And sometimes, in the short run, these systems do work exactly as intended.

Here are my seven favorite roulette systems for you to try:

1 – The Martingale System

The most famous of all betting systems is the Martingale System, and it’s also one of the easiest systems to use. If you can double a number, you can use the Martingale System.

To use the system, you just place an outside bet at the roulette table – one of the bets that pays off at even money. This could be red or black, odd or even, or high or low.

If you win that bet, great!

If you lose, though, you bet again – doubling the size of your previous bet.

You continue with this progression even when you lose multiple times in a row, doubling your bet every time you lose.

If you start with a $5 bet, you’ll bet $10 after losing once, $20 after losing twice, and $40 after losing three times in a row.

Wizard Of Odds Roulette

Eventually, when you do have a win, you’ll win back the amount of all your previous losses and show a $5 profit.

The Martingale System sounds foolproof at first glance, and it would be foolproof except for two things.

  • The first is that you don’t have an unlimited bankroll.
  • The second is that the casino has a maximum betting limit.

And when you’re doubling the size of your bets, the bets can get so big so fast that you either can’t cover them because you’re out of money or because the casino won’t let you bet that much on the next spin.

Let’s say you’re playing in a game with a $5 minimum bet and a $500 maximum bet, which isn’t an unusual set of limits.

How many losses in a row do you need before you bang against the maximum bet?

  1. $5
  2. $10
  3. $20
  4. $40
  5. $80
  6. $160
  7. $320

Lose seven times in a row, and you can’t make the next bet in the progression.

Plus, you’ve lost $495 up until this point.

Of course, in the short run, the Martingale System works a lot of the time, but you don’t usually show much profit.

In the long run, you’ll eventually hit a big enough losing streak to wipe you out.

2 – The Paroli System

The Paroli System is the opposite of the Martingale System. In fact, you’ll sometimes see it called the “Reverse Martingale.”

Instead of doubling the size of your bets after you lose, with the Paroli System, you double them after a win.

Once you’ve won a specific number of bets in a row (usually three), you return to your initial bet size.

The idea is that you’ll be taking advantage of the occasional winning streaks that are inevitable in a game of random chance like roulette.

You bet $5 on red, so you bet $10 on red on the next spin. You win again, and now you bet $20 on red.

If you win, you’ve won a total of $35 over three spins of the wheel.

And you start over again betting $5.

Of course, in the long run, the Paroli System works no better than the Martingale System, and for the same reason:

Changing the sizes of your bets does nothing to change the odds of winning or losing.

Also, you have no way of predicting when a color gets “hot.”

That’s only visible in retrospect.

3 – The Labouchere Betting System

The Labouochere betting system isn’t one of my favorites because it’s more complicated than I’d prefer.

But it’s not that complicated that you can’t master it.

Here’s how it works:

You start with a list of bets of varying sizes in order from smallest to largest.

For example, you might write 10, 20, 30, and 40 down on a notecard in a row.

You start by placing the lowest bet on the card. If you win that bet, you cross out the first and last numbers on the card.

If you lose that bet, though, you add the size of that bet to the last number in the series. 10 + 40 is 50, so your list would become 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

You play until you run out of money or until all the bets are crossed off.

This is a progressive system, like the Martingale, that tries to win back your losses based on the rules in place for the system.

You could also eventually run into the same problem you have with the Martingale. You might hit a bet size that’s higher than the table limit or that your bankroll won’t accommodate.

4 – The Grand Martingale System

If you’re not afraid of risk, the Grand Martingale System might be just the ticket for you. It works just like the Martingale System but with one big difference.

Instead of doubling the size of your bet after each loss, you triple the size of your bet after each loss.

The advantage of the Grand Martingale System is that you’ll see bigger winning sessions when you do win.

The disadvantage is that the bet sizes will get much larger much faster, which means you’ll hit your bankroll or maximum bet limits sooner.

Here’s a Grand Martingale progression starting with $5:

  1. $5
  2. $15
  3. $45
  4. $135
  5. $405

Notice after just five losses, you must place a bet higher than the table limits of $500 to continue with the progression?

It’s a fun way to play, but it’s still a loser in the long run.

5 – The Hollandish System

The Hollandish System is a gentler roulette system because you don’t raise or lower your bets as often as in other systems. Instead of raising your bet after your first one, you make three bets at a certain amount before raising the size.
The Hollandish System also takes it a little easier on you by not requiring you to raise your bets by as much. You use a specific progression, as follows:

  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9

So if you start by betting $5, when you get to the next level, you’ll bet $15. And then $25, and so on.

You only move up in levels if you’ve shown a net loss from the three previous bets.

For example, you start with a $5 bet. You win twice, but you lose once. You’re showing a net profit, so you stay at that level for another three-bet streak.

Your buddy, though, lost twice and won once. After three bets, he moves up to betting $15 per bet for the next three bets.

One of the big advantages to this system is that you don’t have to increase the size of your bets as much during an extended losing streak.

Here’s what a progression would look like with six losses in a row using the Martingale System:

  1. $5
  2. $10
  3. $20
  4. $40
  5. $80
  6. $160

But with the Hollandish System, your bets would look like this:

  1. $5
  2. $5
  3. $5
  4. $15
  5. $15
  6. $15

Best Odds Roulette System Forum

You’ve lost significantly less money on this losing streak using the Hollandish System.

6 – The Hot Number System

This isn’t even a betting system, really. It’s just an attempt to win some money by betting on the “hot” roulette numbers.

To put this system into action, just look at the board at the roulette table showing the numbers that have hit over the last 10 or 20 spins.

Find the number that’s been hit the most often.

Bet on it.

Keep betting on it until another number gets “hotter.” (That just means it’s won more times over the last 10 or 20 spins than your original hot number.

The idea is that you’ll catch a table that isn’t perfectly calibrated and win money based on the higher probability of catching that hot number.

Best Odds Roulette System Ever

7 – Orson’s Go Big or Go Home System

This one is a system of my own devising. I like the idea of stop-loss limits and win goals, even though I understand that they don’t improve my probability of winning.

With my go big or go home system, I want to win a 35 to 1 payout or go broke, whichever comes first.

I start with about 40 bets of $5, or $200. That’s my loss limit. (I’m not willing to lose more than $200 playing roulette in a single session, almost ever.)

I then choose a number, and I keep betting on that number until it hits, or I run out of money.

Depending on when it hits, I make a big profit or a small profit.

And here’s what I do if I really want to hit it big:

  • I let my profits ride so that I can win two jackpots.
  • So I bet $5 on 16 and win 35 to 1.
  • Now I bet $180 on that number. That’s my winnings plus my original $5 bet.
  • If I win this one, it’s time to call it quits, because I’ve hit the jackpot — a cool $6300.

It’s like playing a slot machine with a $6300 jackpot, but my odds of winning are better than they would be on a slot machine game.

What are the odds of winning?

The odds of winning that bet once are 1/38, or 37 to 1.

1/38 X 1/38 = 1/1444, or 1443 to 1.

I’m still trying to win using this system.


That’s basically just a list of my favorite seven roulette betting systems to use. I want to warn you again that none of these work in the long run.

Betting systems are not advantage systems.

Do you have a favorite roulette system that I didn’t cover here?

Leave a comment and let me know.

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The 6 Pence roulette system is designed to cover much of the roulette wheel head with bets, six of which are covered with a single chip. The player will most likely have five chips in action on a single zero, or double zero wheel, but the number groups bet will be different.

There is no spin logging or waiting to get the first bet out, such as with theLabouchere system, but a pad and pencil can be helpful to make sure you bet the correct numbers and log your previous bets. Many gambling systems force the player to wait for a specific starting point, but that can be boring.

With the 6 Pence system you place at least five chips on the roulette layout each spin. This is not a weighted system with an even denomination on each number. Instead the idea is to cover many numbers, often doing no more than breaking even on a spin and then enjoying the times straight-up bet hits. When that happens, bets are increased slightly so any winning streak is taken advantage of.


Excitement Factor

This roulette system causes a lot of continuing excitement because bets are evenly spaced along the wheel, so the ball will always land within two pockets of one of your bets. This makes every spin fun and has a tendency to make the occasional player go bonkers.

Best Odds Roulette System Chart

As the aim is for at least a dozen bet units to start the system, players will want to purchase a color of low-denomination chips. At five bets per spin you’ll need 5 x 12 = 60 chips to begin. An overall bankroll of 180 chips is suggested to give you a chance to get into the rhythm of the game and enjoy some winners. If the first round of 60 chips goes quickly you’ll have to make your own decision as to continue immediately or take a break and try again later.

Because the order of numbers are different on aEuropean wheelwith a single ‘0’ and aNorth American wheelwith double ‘00’, two different number groups follow. Each takes advantage of betting six numbers with a single chip and four numbers straight-up.

How to Play the 6 Pence Roulette System

6 Pence refers to making six numberbets along the inside of the layoutwith a single chip. Your bet will cover six numbers, such as 31-36, by placing a single chip bisecting the numbers 31 and 34 and half your chip into the 3rd12 section. You won’t actually have a bet on the 3rd12 section, that’s just where the chip goes.

In addition to that single chip, you also want to bet four numbers straight-up and, to keep the entire wheel covered in a systematic and even fashion, those numbers need to be plus 29, 5, 8, and 21.

First Spin

On that first spin you have action on ten numbers – 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 29, 5, 8 and 21 – with a total bet of five chips. If you hit 6 Pence (numbers 31-36) you will be paid five chips and your profit is one. Add that one chip to your single bet covering 31-36 and place a single chip on 29, 5, 8 and 21. If you hit a number straight-up, double your bets to two chips each so you have 10 chips total in action.

Second Spin

If you didn’t hit a number on the first spin, start in the basement with a single chip covering the same six numbers and a chip on each of the same corresponding four singles. If you miss all numbers, make another single-chip wager (total bet of five chips) on each of your bets. If you hit a 6 Pence (numbers 31-36) then add one more chip to that wager (you’ll have 3 chips on the bet covering six numbers) and drop down to a single bet on the four others (29, 5, 8, 21).

Third Spin

If you don’t hit a number, start in the basement again. Stay with the same group of numbers if you have yet to hit a winner. If you have already hit back-to-back winners and then missed a spin, consider moving to another 6 Pence group.

After the third spin, anytime you hit a 6 Pence number you should raise that bet by a chip. Anytime you hit a number straight up, raise the 6 Pence bet one chip and the chips on your straight up bets one chip. Continue this until you miss a winner and start in the basement again or quit when you reach your target goal, usually 120 or 180 chips.

The fun of this system is that the player is able to cover 10 numbers each spin and the ball will always land within two spaces of one of your numbers. This makes playing very exciting. Use the straight up numbers with the corresponding 6 Pence bets for your selected wheel.

Single Zero European Wheel

Bet 6-Pence 10-15 plus numbers 16, 18, 2 and 34

Bet 6-Pence 19-24 plus numbers 34, 36, 28, and 26

Bet 6-Pence 22-27 plus numbers 11, 20, 28, and 19

Bet 6-Pence 25-30 plus numbers 19, 5, 1, and 8

Bet 6-Pence 31-36 plus number 29, 5, 8 and 21

Double Zero North American Wheel

Bet 6-Pence – 1 through 6 and numbers 8, 10, 20 and 26

Bet 6-Pence – 4 through 9 and numbers 10, 13, 14 and 15

Bet 6-Pence – 10 through 15 and numbers 16, 17, 18 and 28

Bet 6-Pence – 13 through 18 and numbers 11, 12, 27 and 28


Bet 6-Pence – 19 through 24 and numbers 1, 2, 25 and 26

Bet 6-Pence – 28 through 33 and numbers 00, 22, 24 and 35

Bet 6-Pence- 31 through 36 and numbers 0, 00, 29 and 30

You’ll want to bet only one 6 Pence combination at a time and stick with it until you book a string of winners followed by a miss, or until you decide to quit.

Any bankroll considerationsare obviously up to each individual player, but you should always have at least two or three 60-unit bet buy-ins before starting. In addition, the amount of winning units to quit at is subjective. Because you are willing to risk three 60-unit buy-ins, a good win should be a similar amount of 180 units.

In sticking with the idea that you should maximize your wins, on those great occasions when your numbers continue to hit, give yourself a stop-gap end point. In this situation you have an unlimited win point, but each time you crest a new high, you raise you low or end point. When you get to 200, you keep playing but set 150 as a point where you must quit. When you crest 250, you set 200 as your new low point where you must quit if you fall back to that amount. Continue in a similar manner to maximize your win – and then quit when you fall back to a low point.

A trick for not spending your bankroll after leaving the casino is to take the higher denomination chips with you. Casinos do not allow you to take the roulette colors home, but the other chips should be fine. In fact, many people save a chip or two for their ownchip collections.